Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's lesson for...Colby?

Some of the skills that Colby has acquired in the last semester:

*identifies colors, shapes, and numerals 1-5
*categorizes groups by color, shape, or size
*identifies items that don't belong, or that belong together *writes name legibly
*completes simple patterns
*names opposites
*separates and categorizes objects up to 10
*completes mazes
*completes simple puzzles
*Sequences events
*connects dot-dot #1-10
*identifies groups with more or less
*cuts and pastes
*completes weekly chores
*manipulates Wii controls

Today's lesson: correctly using "If...then" statements.

Mom: "Colby, IF you are able to accomplish all of these tasks, THEN you should be toilet trained." "Do you think you can try one?"

Colby: "Of course, mother. I would be absolutely delighted to demonstrate my understanding of this concept..."
"IF you would buy me the regular sized candy bars as "potty treats" instead of one pointless M&M, THEN I might use the restroom correctly".

Mom: "Well, OK... good. I think you have it."
"Would you mind taking my phone messages and setting the table? I need to run to the store real quick."

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