Thursday, July 23, 2009

Half full or half empty

So here was my day as I see it:
*Woke up to crushed cereal on my bedroom floor, even though we have a "no food
out of kitchen" policy. Hmm. No biggy. Moving on...
*Kids have deep coughs, have to miss my training for the Tour de Y. Ok, I'll make
it up when Rhet gets home.
*Went to piano lessons. Got ticket for going through "emergency cut through only"
to turn left on Baston road. The day now officially stinks.
*Am now 20 minutes late for 30 minutes of piano instruction. And I have a child
that is not mine that I made late, as well.
*Go to my spin classes at night. Do two in a row to make up.
*Get a phone call to come home immediately to take Colby to emergency room.
*Ran out of Y and didn't get my spinning class signed off.
*Get home and Colby is sleeping. Had slammed finger in door. It was bleeding and
*Took him to ER to get it checked out (broken or needed stitches) Sat for FOUR hours
for them to say he was fine and give us a band-aid.
*Got home at 2am and had a meeting in the morning at my house at 9am. Cleaned up
that night.

OK- how I should see the day...
*Kids let me sleep in a little, even though I had some mess to clean from it.
*Next piano lesson was canceled, so the kids got their full lesson.
*Rhet didn't care about the $120 ticket.
*Maybe my instructor will remember me on Saturday to sign my paper.
*Colby didn't need stitches or a cast and we had some good together time.
*I got to take a really long nap the next day and I didn't feel bad about it at all.
*My house got cleaned because people were coming over.

Maybe tomorrow I'll count my blessings.


SARAH said...

Wow! You...Are...Good. I want to be you.

Dantzel said...

What a day. I hope the next ones have been a lot less eventful!

Lauren in GA said...

You have a great attitude...

Sorry about the ER...glad Colby is okay.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear your family is doing good! Melody sure does miss Daisy. She brings her up all the time. Miss you guys.

karen said...

I sure wish I could have been there to help! It kind of reminds me of "Alexandar's Terrible, Horribe, No Good Very Bad Day" (book)...have you thought of going to Australia?(not really going, just thinking about it like in the book) I have. :) At least you could see the up side to a really tough day. Good for you! I'm glad Colby was ok.