Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wish List

You can tell a lot about someone from their wish lists. So- what does your wish list say about you? Let's start by analyzing Rhet.

Super tool box. Mini fridge. Lighting System. Built in radio with Bose speakers.
Takes up half the garage.)
New truck. V8 Nissan Titan 4 door. Black. Sport Package and audio upgrades.
Flat front yard.
Neighborhood with a sidewalk.
Job where "I could be home at 5 and only work 4 days a week".
Money fairy to take away student loans.
Golden ticket to the Celestial Kingdom (AKA heaven).

Ok- for starters. He is all boy. Likes the big toys and gadgets that make you feel big and bad. He is a handy man. He has the stereotypical outlook of a "real" man having a big car and that a car is a status symbol that can gain/or discredit respect. (or he just wants to be able to fit in one without bonking his head) He is a family man- as apparent by his wanting a sidewalk and flat yard. He wants a place to walk with his kids and play ball without fear of getting ran over. (and he doesn't want to haul the bike in the car to drive to a field to practice without training wheels). He is not a workaholic. He values his relaxation and family time. Work is a means to money, and not where his most fulfillment comes from. He also must be feeling overwhelmed with working too much lately, due to the specific allegations of time allotment that he placed. He is money conscious. Not a reckless spender. Aware of financial obligations to be paid and working towards taking care of that. Doesn't like loans or debt over his head. A religious man. Wants to do God's will and feels fear that he may not be doing enough to satisfy or make the Lord happy. Reevaluates self often to make sure he is choosing the right and following the commandments.

Ok. He isn't too happy about my evaluation. Said it sounded like a "talk" instead of a "blog"- he really means it sounds like psychobabble...too much watching the "Mentalist" and "Criminal Minds".

On to my next victim. (My family is wondering why I called with this random question. I didn't tell them I was going to be evaluating their answers).

My aunt:
Going to go skydiving before age 55.
Used to want a guy with dark hair, now just wants a guy that has any hair.
A teleporter to travel to different houses.
Live in Utopia.

So. She is obviously single (hopefully). She is a humorous person. Adventurous. Willing to take risks. Doesn't live close to those who are closest to her. Family and close friends are the most important things to her. Doesn't particularly value material objects. Didn't come up with any physical thing that she desired. Wanting to live in Utopia- an egalitarian society with no poor, war, or distrust; may be not as financially well off as percieved others. Or feels uncertainty with the crime and fighting in the world. Or it could just be that she is helping/living at her parents, and so it isn't always quite "Utopia" there.

My sister:
Time machine to go back and be kinder to others.
No bills.
No working.
Get all the equipment needed for a garden.

Ok. Tricky one here. Very penitent of teenage folly. Very compassionate and caring towards others' feelings. Doesn't work for status or for self fulfillment, but rather as income making. Aware of finances. Probably does the bills. Doesn't like to pay late, or have debt. Doesn't have a green thumb- as evidenced by being one of her wishes to get the stuff for a garden, when you basically just need seeds and a hoe:) Wanting to be righteous and self sufficient. Desire to learn and willing to work hard.

Another sister:
Dog trainer.
Robot nanny.

Not materialistic. Major concern in her life right now is her dog, getting it to listen. She wants a robot nanny- but doesn't have any children yet. Lets me know, she has children on her brain and is thinking to her future. Thinking about having a lot of kids. Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having a lot of kids and how to manage the time and household by herself.

Light Saber.
Camping Gear.
Buy a nice house.

Is an outdoors man. Adventurous. Likes his toys, as well. Wants the saber as the ultimate tool. Likes movies. Refers to day to day life using references to famous clips. Doesn't own his own home yet. Is a family man looking towards his future with children and feels the pressure to provide for that family with a safe and nice shelter.

So, how did I do? And now it is your turn...
My list:
Laptop to be able to research family history while watching TV (and not sitting on the folding chair. (and to bring to McDonalds while the kids are in the playland for 1 1/2 hours.)
3 big food storage racks.
Once a week maid service.
Once a week chef service.
Twice a week babysitting service. Three hours during one day for just me, and three hours Friday night for a date with Rhet.
Cruise with Rhet and friends. (Rhet is fun and all- but I prefer sitting at tables with people we already know-instead of the stranger thing.) Complete with skuba diving, skydiving, bungy jumping, and roller coasters.
A place to dance that isn't a bar/club.
The children to be able to stand up for themselves and for what is right. For them to have true self esteem and realize what being a Child of God means.
To live within 10 minutes of family, but not in the same ward.
To have Rhet home two days a week, and getting home at 5 (or 4).
Our own personal six flags in the back yard.

Your list?


Lauren in GA said...

I enjoyed this so much.

Let's see...I will take a Robot Nanny, too please...

Oh, and a neighbor who doesn't let her dog bark all. night. long. It is affecting my beauty sleep...and I dare say my disposition.

I want a neighborhood with sidewalks, too. I liked that idea. I don't think I have seen any in this area of Georgia.

Harris Family said...

Tell you what-next time I have you or Rhet for Christmas I'll get you something off your list-probably the truck or six flags, but you'll have to wait and be surprised!