Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Tucker Halloween Circus...pretty scary!

Forget ghosts and goblins- you need to be worried about the Tucker Family Circus coming through your town on Halloween night. We have a magician (Alex) and her magic bunny (Ben-Man). There is a tight rope walker (Daiz) and an interesting mime (yours truly) and finally, the ring master with the crazy hair (J Rhet).

Watch out, trick-or-treaters, the Tucker Family Circus ONLY does tricks... you never know what it is going to be-you may get a flip or a silent performance, or even a terrifying act of a daring feat. OR it may be a trick of toothpaste, instead of candy, in your jack-o-lantern sacks. There is one thing we do know--- the Tucker Family Circus will AMAZE YOU!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely, positively LOVE these pictures. How creative and wonderful - especially when you can do these kinds of things in minutes. Good gravy Marie! :)