Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday "Vacation"

Pre-Vacation Week
I keep putting sticky notes all over for what I need to accomplish this week- But I have two on the floor and some accidentally made it into the trash (I have a chronic habit of throwing things away that I need. I think it is a blessing. Rhet doesn't agree. So much for that Christmas list of what I've bought for who and what is left to get that I have now re-written FOUR times- THANKS MOM!) Anyway, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone {what a horrible saying} and complain (or brag, as the case may be) and write out my week here...
(with 4 kids)
Go to store for stamps.
Make treats.
Pick up pictures from Walgreens.
Go to post office.
2:00 Ben's doc appt. on base
Make an original, creative, and wonderful looking ornament???
7:00 Work party (and exchange said ornament)
Oh, yeah, school: Math (add 3 digits carry-over), Language Arts (practice recitation for Christmas), Reading, Science (dissect fish?)
(with 4 kids)
Walmart, then Target, then the bookstore for five more presents
Back to post office
Make treat for ballet party
Ballet 11:00
Watch friends children 9:30 until 4. (This will actually help, cause Ben will have a playmate)
5:00-9:30 Messiah sing-a-long (check to see if Rhet found babysitter)
Oh, yeah, school: Math (subtract 3 digits, borrow), Language Arts (adj./ adverbs), Reading, History (World Religions: Christianity and Islam)
(with 4 kids)
Watch friends children 9:30-4. (This will actually help, cause Daisy will have a playmate)
Take Alexis to class 10:30
Make 17 Cookies-in-a-jar
Pick up Alexis 2:30
Rhet H.T. and basketball-AKA he is gone at night
Oh, yeah, school: Math (add/subtract 3 digit carry-over review), Language Arts (composition about Christmas activities), Reading, Science (animal adaptations review), Art (Christmas project)
(with 4 kids)
Make 11 T-shirts for Rhet's work
Make 7 goodie plates for Rhet's work
Deliver gifts to Rhet's work
Mrs. Kringle story time 5:00?
Basketball practice 5-6
Visiting Teaching 5:30-8 (figure out how to be at basketball and VT)
Oh, yeah, school: Math (Unit test), Language Arts (Spelling Test, composition revision and final draft), Reading, History (Review world religions: Jews and Polytheistic)
Make 8 treats
Make 15 goodie plates for friends
Go caroling and drop off plates
Watch Numbers and Eli Stone
Oh, yeah, school: Math (Computer skills, Study Island), Language Arts (Pick your own), Reading, Music (Which instrument belongs to which family- review Joy to the World/Silent Night/Angels We Have Heard on High), Health (Polite/thankful behavior when recieving gifts-act out. Review telephone manners and safety. Practice with Jaime and Dad.)
Finish Christmas shopping
Pack for 4 kids and myself for a week and a half worth of hud.
Get car checked out.
Finish with goodie plates.
Practice bottle with Colby for tomorrow.
Deep clean house.
Be at church at 8:30. Hah hah hah
Choir Sacrament program. Find someone to sit with kids.
Head off to Florida and listen to Colby scream for 7 hours (he hates driving as much as I do)
Break rule of not watching movies on Sunday to put in DVD's for car trip there without any beatings.
Oh, and throughout the week, consistently watch Ben for signs of needing to use the bathroom- since I picked this nice, quiet, uneventful time to toilet train. Its been 4 days (feels like 40- reference to previous post on days that seem to last forreevvveeerrrrr) He is doing good if I ask him when he starts to hold himself-but if I get preoccupied and don't ask. Dun dun dun dun.
Plans from Monday the 22 to Monday the 29:
(Lots of blank space)
I think I might become bored out of my mind.... NAH!
Future blog: What has to be done POST vacation.


Lauren in GA said...

You are so funny...I love the end, "(lots of blank space)"

Your kiddos can sit with us on Sunday!!

Jannet said...

I think you are one ambitious woman!Or crazy. Maybe both.
Enjoy your empty space!

Harris Family said...

Good luck with the busy and eventful week. I hope you scheduled in some time to sleep cause from the looks of it you may not get it. Enjoy the vacation next week!

Anonymous said...

Man, after reading this - I feel a little guilty for just sitting here with my feet propped up. Oh..wait a minute - I've already visited 35 sisters, 15 more to go, answered the phone countless times... since - you guessed it - three weeks ago..organized Christmas Angels with members for children in and decorating, etc., etc., etc. Nope not feeling guilty. I'm hoping no one passes away next week or the two babies come next week, because I'm pretending not to be the RS Pres next week. Only Mom and Nana. :))))))))))))))))) Rats! Time to get up and get going again! LOVE YOU and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Jessica Parnell Tucker said...

Oh fine, mom- YOU WIN. I didn't say my things were important:) But I did forget one. Colby had his shots at the Monday appt. Should of taken that into consideration. I hate shots... make you sick to make sure you don't get sick?

Anonymous said...

Oh trust me - all on your list were very important! And what memories! :( On Colby's shots.
Oh, and I wouldn't wish the writing notes and losing them on anyone - especially my daughter!! Awww well...your new setp is buying a spiral notebook - til ya lose that! ;)

Anonymous said...

ONE thing to put on your list....taking pictures!! :)